选择题:一T型铸铁梁受外力如图所示,已知横截面对中性轴的惯性矩Iz=763×104mm4,则该梁在C截面处的 题目分类:石家庄铁道大学-材料力学 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 一T型铸铁梁受外力如图所示,已知横截面对中性轴的惯性矩Iz=763×104mm4,则该梁在C截面处的最大正应力是( )(不计应力方向) ( 2.500分)A、 27.7MPaB、 46.1MPaC、 28.8MPaD、 50.2MPa 参考答案:
1. These officers, though retired, are on full 回答 1. These officers, though retired, are on full 回答.2. Please ask the lawyer what 分类:石家庄铁道大学-材料力学 题型:选择题 查看答案
Every means ________ tried, but we still cannot so Every means ________ tried, but we still cannot solve this problem.A、 isB、 have 分类:石家庄铁道大学-材料力学 题型:选择题 查看答案