单选题:It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the author 题目分类:专四 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the author thinks 参考答案: 答案解析:
We are doing this work in the __________ of reforms in the e We are doing this work in the __________ of reforms in the economic, social and 分类:专四 题型:单选题 查看答案
根据下列材料,回答题:2007年9月份西部5省市自治区中地方财政预算收支赤字最大的为( )。 根据下列材料,回答题:2007年9月份西部5省市自治区中地方财政预算收支赤字最大的为( )。 分类:专四 题型:单选题 查看答案