甲船在河水中顺流而行时,船速为30km/h,已知按同样的船速在该河上顺流航行3 小时和逆水航行5小时的航程相等,那么,在静水中该船的速度为( )km/h。

甲船在河水中顺流而行时,船速为30km/h,已知按同样的船速在该河上顺流航行3 小时和逆水航行5小时的航程相等,那么,在静水中该船的速度为( )km/h。A.24 B.6 C.30 D.32


根据AD-AS模型,改变总需求的财政政策和货币政策只会在短期影响产出水平,在长期只会影响价格水平。( )

根据AD-AS模型,改变总需求的财政政策和货币政策只会在短期影响产出水平,在长期只会影响价格水平。( )


A new booklet explaining the process of course selection along with counseling services is__________ to any student interested in receiving help.

A new booklet explaining the process of course selection along with counseling services is__________ to any student interested in receiving help.A. potential B. available C. expressed D. approaching
