It was two years ago _______ he went to England for a furthe It was two years ago _______ he went to England for a further study. 分类:财经法规 题型:单选题 查看答案
The teacher as well as the students _______ looking forward The teacher as well as the students _______ looking forward to the summer holida 分类:财经法规 题型:单选题 查看答案
匍匐着,虽也曾盛气凌人、___________但是,当人生的风雨袭来,不幸与逼仄降临,那点顺境时的傲骨会马上抽身而去,被 匍匐着,虽也曾盛气凌人、___________但是,当人生的风雨袭来,不幸与逼仄降临,那点顺境时的傲骨会马上抽身而去,被丢下的你像没有舵桨的船,随惊涛骇浪漂泊辗 分类:财经法规 题型:单选题 查看答案