选择题:Which work is written by Samuel? 题目分类:超星尔雅学习通 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: Which work is written by Samuel? A.Words and objectsB.The vanity of human wishesC.Panopticon 参考答案:
How does Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poe How does Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poetic language and Prose language?A.no es 分类:超星尔雅学习通 题型:选择题 查看答案
男,58岁。反复咳嗽、咳痰38年,气促10年,加重伴昏睡1天入院。查体:T38℃,P120次/分,R28 次/分。BP160/90mmHg。昏迷状,球结膜水肿, 男,58岁。反复咳嗽、咳痰38年,气促10年,加重伴昏睡1天入院。查体:T38℃,P120次/分,R28 次/分。BP160/90mmHg。昏迷状,球结膜水肿,口唇发绀,双肺散在干湿啰音。PaO263 分类:超星尔雅学习通 题型:选择题 查看答案
Whose novels were selected to explain Bakhtin’s theories? Whose novels were selected to explain Bakhtin’s theories?A.Tolstoy’sB.Gorky’sC.Dostoevsky’s 分类:超星尔雅学习通 题型:选择题 查看答案
Content and ()are the two sides of concept. Content and ()are the two sides of concept.A.interpretationB.formC.transparence 分类:超星尔雅学习通 题型:选择题 查看答案