选择题:根据以下材料,回答题He works ten hours a day, makes more thanUS $ 98000 a year, doesn...


根据以下材料,回答题 He works ten hours a day, makes more thanUS $ 98000 a year, doesn′t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. He′s 18 been happier and is looking foranother job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internetworker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-basednews magazine. There is also a reasonable chance that hisemployer will arrange his dry cleaning,19 him to 20 his dog to work, offer him fleemassages and give him stock options. And he still thinks people in other 21are doing 22. The typical worker, it appears, not onlyenjoys an income about 23 the national average but also enjoys himself.At present 2.5 million people 24 by Internet firms in the US, The 25 ofthe study give plenty of reasons 26 so many people think the grass isgreener in Silicon Valley. 27 after tech-stoeks sharply 28 in April,29 many start-ups, there is still mood of enthusiasmand special advantage among those still employed. So what 30 52 percent of them "veryhappy" "Demandingwork" is given as the main reason and "salary" is 31 close 32 . Those questioned in the study also listedworking weekends and 33 holidays as signs of the pleasure of theworkplaces. Only 13 percent were paid for 34hours work while 14 percent put more than 12 hours work on an average day."It wasn′t all about 35." wrote Mary Ann Thompson in theintroduction to the study, "It was fun."

A.such as B.as C.like D.for


8个月男婴。牛乳喂养,未添加辅食,面色苍白1个月,时而烦躁,食欲缺乏。体检:肝肋 下3cm,质中,脾肋下1.5cm。查血常规:Hb 85g/

8个月男婴。牛乳喂养,未添加辅食,面色苍白1个月,时而烦躁,食欲缺乏。体检:肝肋 下3cm,质中,脾肋下1.5cm。查血常规:Hb 85g/L,RBC 3.55×1012/L,MCV 70fL,MCH 22pg,MCHC 0.26。此患儿诊断最可能的是()A.生理性贫血B.再生障碍性贫血C.缺铁性贫血D.叶酸缺乏性贫血E.维生素B12缺乏性贫血





根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into...

根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into...


学生小黄在学习了物理老师教的“杠杆原理”的概念后。再学习定滑轮的知识就非常容易理解了。因为这种学习属于(  )。A.上位学习 B.下位学习 C.并列学习

学生小黄在学习了物理老师教的“杠杆原理”的概念后。再学习定滑轮的知识就非常容易理解了。因为这种学习属于(  )。A.上位学习 B.下位学习 C.并列学习


父母向小贝承诺,如果她在期末考试中进入班级的前十名,就奖励她一个芭比娃娃,小贝因此变得更加努力学习。小贝的这类学习动机属于(  )。A.自我提高的驱动力 B

父母向小贝承诺,如果她在期末考试中进入班级的前十名,就奖励她一个芭比娃娃,小贝因此变得更加努力学习。小贝的这类学习动机属于(  )。A.自我提高的驱动力 B
