选择题:I have personally come to understand that “empowerment” is not a lesson that can

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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I have personally come to understand that “empowerment” is not a lesson that can be thought by way of textbooks or lectures, projects or field trips, and not even by way of principles and inspirational teaching. It must be taught by personal examples.

When we ask our students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, or those, who face a personal lifestyle that is in direct conflict to the principles that we teach, we have to be willing to show them how to overcomer, how to make the transition from one state of being into the next, how to be empowered. We must make the lesson of empowerment come to life, in a real, up-dose and personal way. And the only way this can be done is when we allow ourselves to become living examples of what we teach.

Preparatory school for Global Leadership (PSCL) is a school that I started because I believed that I had method,a way of teaching and learning that would empower the urban disadvantaged child. But as I sit back and think about it now, PSGL was a school that I started so that I would showcase empowerment to a group of students (and stuff) who needed a real life, example of how to grow beyond one’s current circumstance.

When I reflect on my journey of starting the school, I realize that every step along the way was personally teaching about empowerment. It is one thing to teach it, but it is another to live it. Unless we experience empowerment on a personal level, we can not help students learn it, circumvent obstacles as they arise and develop and employ the new skills needed to function to be empowered.

How can we get in the face of a student and push him to a place that is foreign and scary, asking him to become greater than his environment? We can’t, why? Because we do not know what it lacks like, we do not know what it feels like. Our role as a teacher becomes technical, causing us to miss out on the spirit of truly good teaching, where one teaches with relevancy, authenticity and experience.


A.Having been successful in empowering students

B.Possessing the expertise in the subject they teach

C.Having received adequate training on empowerment

D.Beingabletointegratepersonalexperiencesintotheir teaching


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改革前,农村集体土地是所有权和经营权合一;家庭联产承包制,把土地所有权和承包经营权分开;现在,要 促使农民土地承包权和经营权的分离,形成所有权、承包权、经营权三权分置。关于土地“三权分置”,下列说法





到2020年,我国将基本建成覆盖城乡、便捷高效、保基本、促公平的现代公共文化服务体系。加快构建现代公共文化服务体系有利于( )。 ①普及各种文化思想②推动文化

到2020年,我国将基本建成覆盖城乡、便捷高效、保基本、促公平的现代公共文化服务体系。加快构建现代公共文化服务体系有利于( )。 ①普及各种文化思想②推动文化产业的发展 ③满足人民的基本文化需要④发


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下图丰子恺的漫画《无言独上西楼月如钩》把最耐人寻味的景象凝固、定格下来,给人以细细的、长久的回味,让人不由自主地沉醉了进去……这说明( )。


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柯尔伯格道德判断发展的最高阶段是( )。
