改进作风涉及风俗、文化、制度、利益等方方面面,本身就是一场攻坚战。无论是克服( )的形式主义、官僚主义,还是攻破思维定势、治疗沉疴顽疾,都需要有...
甲、乙两人在河中先后从同一个地方同速同向游进。现在甲位于乙的前方,乙距起点 20 米;当乙游到甲现在的位置时,甲已离起点 98 米。问:甲现在离起点多少米?
甲、乙两人在河中先后从同一个地方同速同向游进。现在甲位于乙的前方,乙距起点 20 米;当乙游到甲现在的位置时,甲已离起点 98 米。问:甲现在离起点多少米?
一个正方形能分成 4 个正方形 能分成 11 个正方形吗 大小不一定相等?
一个正方形能分成 4 个正方形 能分成 11 个正方形吗 大小不一定相等?
在一张正方形的纸片上,有 900 个点,加上正方形的 4 个顶点,共有 904 个点。这些点中任意 3 个点不共线,将这纸剪成三角形,每个三角形的三个点是...
在一张正方形的纸片上,有 900 个点,加上正方形的 4 个顶点,共有 904 个点。这些点中任意 3 个点不共线,将这纸剪成三角形,每个三角形的三个点是...
28.有 50 名学生参加联欢会,第一个到会的女同学同全部男生握过手,第二个到会的女生只差一个男生没握过手,第三个到会的女生只差 2 个男生没握过手,以此...
28.有 50 名学生参加联欢会,第一个到会的女同学同全部男生握过手,第二个到会的女生只差一个男生没握过手,第三个到会的女生只差 2 个男生没握过手,以此...
下列哪项检查不属于腹部触诊范围()A.压痛及反跳痛 B.腹壁紧张度 C.振水音 D.波动感 E.腹腔脏器大小
下列哪项检查不属于腹部触诊范围()A.压痛及反跳痛 B.腹壁紧张度 C.振水音 D.波动感 E.腹腔脏器大小
巩膜()A.表面有许多小孔 B.呈乳白色半透明状 C.后方紧连脉络膜 D.厚薄均匀一致 E.占纤维膜的2/3
巩膜()A.表面有许多小孔 B.呈乳白色半透明状 C.后方紧连脉络膜 D.厚薄均匀一致 E.占纤维膜的2/3
我国土地资源、森林资源、矿产资源的共同特点是()A.类型或种类单一 B.在地区分布上都不均匀 C.在构成特点上大致相同 D.总量和人均占有量都很丰富
我国土地资源、森林资源、矿产资源的共同特点是()A.类型或种类单一 B.在地区分布上都不均匀 C.在构成特点上大致相同 D.总量和人均占有量都很丰富
[ 词汇与结构]—The league secretary and monitor ______asked to make a speech at the...
[ 词汇与结构]—The league secretary and monitor ______asked to make a speech at the...
[ 词汇与结构]—I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary ______.
[ 词汇与结构]—I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary ______.
[阅读理解] It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, t...
[阅读理解] It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, t...
When weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean. When you are near a lake o...
When weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean. When you are near a lake o...
Let's watch the weather forecast on television. We may go to Scotland, we ma...
Let's watch the weather forecast on television. We may go to Scotland, we ma...
Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is ...
Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is ...
These people moved from place to place.
These people moved from place to place.
There is only some old furniture in the room.
There is only some old furniture in the room.
The Olympic Games is an international sports event that tankes place every fo...
The Olympic Games is an international sports event that tankes place every fo...
He didn't need to attend the meeting.
He didn't need to attend the meeting.
He is always very active in student activities.
He is always very active in student activities.