选择题:ATTENTION PARK VISITORSAs of June 1st,2006, the Trenton County Department o...


ATTENTION PARK VISITORS As of June 1st,2006, the Trenton County Department of Park Services is instituting the following rules50acceptable activities and behavior in Winfred Park: 1. As in all Trenton County parks, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Also, open fires are not permitted under any circumstances. Food may only be cooked using the designated barbecue pits located at each picnic area. 2. Visitors wishing to hold a gathering of twenty-five people or more must first51with and receive a permit from the Trenton Country Department of Park Services. The cost of a large gathering permit is $10. 3. All minors swimming in Winfred Stream must be supervised by an adult. Please use52 when swimming, as currents and water levels can change quickly without warning. Questions con-cerning these regulations should be directed by phone, email, or letter to Jeremy Bodo, superinten-dent of the Trenton County Department of Park Services. 阅读以上短文,回答197-199题。 第50题答案是__________

A.outlining B.inputting C.withdrawing D.uplifting


The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be _...

The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be _...


If the rain __________ any longer, several heavily populated areas of the cit...

If the rain __________ any longer, several heavily populated areas of the cit...


可以用于判断两种商品或者服务是否具有替代关系或互补关系的指标是(  )。A.需求价格弹性 B.需求交叉弹性 C.供给价格弹性 D.需求收入弹性

可以用于判断两种商品或者服务是否具有替代关系或互补关系的指标是(  )。A.需求价格弹性 B.需求交叉弹性 C.供给价格弹性 D.需求收入弹性


根据经济学家凯恩斯的消费理论,边际消费倾向和平均消费倾向的关系是(  )。A.边际消费倾向总是小于平均消费倾向 B.边际消费倾向总是等于平均消费倾向 C.边际消

根据经济学家凯恩斯的消费理论,边际消费倾向和平均消费倾向的关系是(  )。A.边际消费倾向总是小于平均消费倾向 B.边际消费倾向总是等于平均消费倾向 C.边际消


2007-2011年间全国全口径发电量同比增量最高的一年中,发电设备装机容量约比上年增长了多少亿千瓦?(  )A.0.78 B.0.82 C.0.88 D.0.

2007-2011年间全国全口径发电量同比增量最高的一年中,发电设备装机容量约比上年增长了多少亿千瓦?(  )A.0.78 B.0.82 C.0.88 D.0.
