根据麦克里兰提出的三重需要理论,人的核心需要包括(  )。A.成就需要 B.权力需要 C.亲和需要 D.成长需要

根据麦克里兰提出的三重需要理论,人的核心需要包括(  )。A.成就需要 B.权力需要 C.亲和需要 D.成长需要


某企业以银行存款支付企业行政管理部门水电费2000元,生产车间水电费500元,采用复式记账法,一方会涉及“银行存款”账户,另一方会涉及的账户是(  )。A.管理

某企业以银行存款支付企业行政管理部门水电费2000元,生产车间水电费500元,采用复式记账法,一方会涉及“银行存款”账户,另一方会涉及的账户是(  )。A.管理


Which site did Ms. Dorn most enjoy?A.The Valley of the Kings B.The Nile River C.

Which site did Ms. Dorn most enjoy?A.The Valley of the Kings B.The Nile River C.


Which of the information should be entered on the form?A.Amount of money earned

Which of the information should be entered on the form?A.Amount of money earned


What kind of experience does Mr. Nixon have with Eployco?A.He worked for it in t

What kind of experience does Mr. Nixon have with Eployco?A.He worked for it in t
