选择题:According to the text, which of the following is true? thepopularityofgapyearsr

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According to the text, which of the following is true?

[A] the popularity of gap years results from an increasing number of charities.

[B] Prince William was working hard during his gap year.

[C] gap years are not as fashionable as they were ten years ago.

[D] a well-structured gap year is a guarantee of university success.


According to its advocates, who will gain from the privatization of Social Secur

According to its advocates, who will gain from the privatization of Social Security?Investors in stoc



十二经脉气血有余则渗注于A.经别 B.经筋 C.奇经 D.别络 E.孙络


Text 4Timothy Berners-Lee might be giving Bill Gates a run for the money, but he

Text 4Timothy Berners-Lee might be giving Bill Gates a run for the money, but he passed up his shot a


figures exhibits convinces speculates

[A]figures [B]exhibits [C]convinces [D]speculates


Similarly, the preferential treatment given to occupational disability by the so

Similarly, the preferential treatment given to occupational disability by the social security service
