选择题:Question 53-54 refer to the following information.An earthquake of magnitud...


Question 53-54 refer to the following information. An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck southwestern China on Sunday, resulting in the death of nearly 600 people in a remote area of Yunnan province as well as collapse of thousands of building, including a school. The earthquake also triggered more landslides that have blocked rivers and created rapidly growing bodies of water that could unleash more destruction on survivors of the disaster. More than 10000 soldiers and hundreds of volunteers have rushed to Ludian Country to clear roads and dig out possible survivors from the debris, but landslides and bouts of heavy rain have complicated rescue efforts. An estimated 80000 houses were destroyed and 12400 seriously damaged. Where can you possibly read this type of text?

A news website. B. A travel guide. C. A fashion blog. D. A story book.


Question 51-52refer to the following information.The bad news about a slow-...

Question 51-52refer to the following information.The bad news about a slow-...


After the switch malfunction, electrical service on the main building was ___...

After the switch malfunction, electrical service on the main building was ___...


经济法的基本原则包括( )。A.合理分配经济资源原则 B.保障经济主权和公平互利原则 C.保障社会总体经济可持续发展原则 D.营造平衡和谐的社会经济环境原则

经济法的基本原则包括( )。A.合理分配经济资源原则 B.保障经济主权和公平互利原则 C.保障社会总体经济可持续发展原则 D.营造平衡和谐的社会经济环境原则


国家统计局数据显示,2014 年4 月份70 个大中城市住宅销售价格环比下降的城市继续增加,且首次出现( )价格回调。与2013 年同期相比,70 个大中...

国家统计局数据显示,2014 年4 月份70 个大中城市住宅销售价格环比下降的城市继续增加,且首次出现( )价格回调。与2013 年同期相比,70 个大中...


直接标价法是用1 个单位或100 个单位的外国货币作为基准,折算为一定数额的本国货币,采用直接标价法的货币是( )。A.人民币 B.欧元 C.英镑 D.澳元

直接标价法是用1 个单位或100 个单位的外国货币作为基准,折算为一定数额的本国货币,采用直接标价法的货币是( )。A.人民币 B.欧元 C.英镑 D.澳元
