Jenney liked fishing, but hunting was also enjoyed by him.

Jenney liked fishing, but hunting was also enjoyed by him.这是一个关于大学英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,Jenney liked fishing, but hunting was also enjoyed by him.A.正确B.错误正确答案:错误


As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.

As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.这是一个关于大学英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.A.正确B.错误正确答案:正确


Children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet.

Children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet.这是一个关于大学英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,Children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet.A.正确B.错误正确答案:正确



当用户请求JSP页面时,JSP引擎就会执行该页面的字节码文件响应客户的请求,执行字节码文件的结果是()。这是一个关于页面 客户端 JavaWeb应用程序开发的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,当用户请求JSP页面时,JSP引擎就会执行该页面的字节码文件响应客户的请求,执行字节码文件的结果是()。A.发送一个JSP源文件到客户端B.发送一个Java文件到客户端C.发送一个HTML页面到客户端D.发送一个HTML页面到服务器正确答案:发送一个HTML页面到客户端



可以利用JSP动态改变客户端的响应,使用的语法是()。这是一个关于客户端 语法 JavaWeb应用程序开发的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,可以利用JSP动态改变客户端的响应,使用的语法是()。A.response.setHeader()B.response.outHeader()C.response.writeHeader()D.response.handlerHeader()正确答案:response.setHeader()
