选择题:工程进度交换图纸的性质,是用于( )的图纸。 题目分类:一级建造师 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 工程进度交换图纸的性质,是用于( )的图纸。 A.和相邻矿井工程施工单位交换 B.提供给上级机关并逐月交换 C.与兄弟单位用于经验交流的交换 D.向地方政府主管部门汇报的 参考答案:
益元散功用是A.祛暑解表 化湿和中B.祛暑利湿解表C.清暑益气 养阴生津D.祛暑利湿 镇惊安神E.清暑 益元散功用是A.祛暑解表,化湿和中B.祛暑利湿解表C.清暑益气,养阴生津D.祛暑利湿,镇惊安神E.清暑利湿,清热解毒 分类:一级建造师 题型:选择题 查看答案
Which one is the disadvantage of “employee referral program” Which one is the disadvantage of “employee referral program”?A.Rejections may produce discontent; t 分类:一级建造师 题型:选择题 查看答案
Which resource does not belong to the internal resources tha Which resource does not belong to the internal resources that Wal-Mart uses in the training process? 分类:一级建造师 题型:选择题 查看答案
In Huawei, employees’ payment is based on () In Huawei, employees’ payment is based on ()A.contribution and responsibilityB.length of workC.diff 分类:一级建造师 题型:选择题 查看答案