选择题:Questions 95-98 refer to the following advertisement.As the number of new i...


Questions 95-98 refer to the following advertisement. As the number of new infections and deaths rise in the Ebola outbreak, fear and suspicion in rising, too, making a more difficult for health care workers to get the sick into hospitals, even as increasingly angry crowds are calling for more government action. The growing chaos caused by this current Ebola outbreak, which is already the worst on record with more than 1,300 infected and 700 dead in three countries in West Africa, was witnessed in a low income community in the Bushrod Island area of Monrovia. The community members had called the Health Ministry to come pick up the body of a man who had been dead in his home since Thursday. Late Friday or early Saturday, a woman had died in the same neighborhood, and she was also still in her home. Both were suspected Ebola deaths, and the protesters were saying that the government should remove them. A man in the crowd said that since they called the government on Thursday, workers had come to examine the scene, but they had not returned. He said that if the government did not respond to the request of community members to remove the bodies, there would be serious consequences. According to the passage, what was needed most when the passage was written?

A. Serious treatment of the infected. B. Government’s immediate action. C. More government workers. D. Evacuation of the residents.


根据义务性支出和选择性支出的不同态度,比较典型的理财价值观有( )。A.后享受型 B.先享受型 C.子女中心型 D.购物冲动型

根据义务性支出和选择性支出的不同态度,比较典型的理财价值观有( )。A.后享受型 B.先享受型 C.子女中心型 D.购物冲动型


中国的银行资金运用包括( )。A.各项存款 B.各项贷款 C.金银库存占款 D.外汇库存占款

中国的银行资金运用包括( )。A.各项存款 B.各项贷款 C.金银库存占款 D.外汇库存占款


一般来说,客户风险偏好可以分为五种类型:保守型、轻度保守型、中立型、轻度进取型和进取型。其中定息资产高于50%的类型有( )。A.中立型 B.轻度保守型 C.轻

一般来说,客户风险偏好可以分为五种类型:保守型、轻度保守型、中立型、轻度进取型和进取型。其中定息资产高于50%的类型有( )。A.中立型 B.轻度保守型 C.轻


2015 年9 月30 日,中国人民银行发布公告,中国银行获准担任( )人民币清算行,这是继港澳台、法兰克福、巴黎、悉尼、吉隆坡、匈牙利、南非之后,中国银...

2015 年9 月30 日,中国人民银行发布公告,中国银行获准担任( )人民币清算行,这是继港澳台、法兰克福、巴黎、悉尼、吉隆坡、匈牙利、南非之后,中国银...


我国对货币层次M0 的定义是( )。A.流通中的现金 B.银行活期存款 C.银行定期存款 D.证券公司客户保证金

我国对货币层次M0 的定义是( )。A.流通中的现金 B.银行活期存款 C.银行定期存款 D.证券公司客户保证金
