异丙肾上腺素的临床用途有( )。
主要降低TC兼降TG的药物的他汀类药药理作用是( )。
主要降低TC兼降TG的药物的他汀类药药理作用是( )。
一般情况下,处方的正文包括( )。
一般情况下,处方的正文包括( )。
S-T段抬高见于( )
S-T段抬高见于( )
国家创新体系的主要功能有( )。
国家创新体系的主要功能有( )。
Which of the following is NOT a representative of Modernism?
Which of the following is NOT a representative of Modernism?
“骏马能历险,犁田不如牛:坚车能载重,渡河不如舟”,这句话启示我们在用人方面要坚持( )。
“骏马能历险,犁田不如牛:坚车能载重,渡河不如舟”,这句话启示我们在用人方面要坚持( )。
“客里空”这一人物形象所反映的报道类型是( )。
“客里空”这一人物形象所反映的报道类型是( )。
Many United States companies have, unfortunately, made the search for legal prot
Many United States companies have, unfortunately, made the search for legal protection from import c
For the executive producer of a network nightly news programme, the workday ofte
For the executive producer of a network nightly news programme, the workday often begins at midnight
网络图片的获取渠道包括( )
网络图片的获取渠道包括( )
华尔兹起源于( )乡间土风舞,具有优美、柔和的特质。
华尔兹起源于( )乡间土风舞,具有优美、柔和的特质。
《教育心理学》一书,用“教育心理学”标引,属于( )。
《教育心理学》一书,用“教育心理学”标引,属于( )。
中国文化部为了扩大公共图书馆在社会中的影响,从1989年开始,决定每年( )月的最后一周为“全国公共图书馆服务宣传周”。
中国文化部为了扩大公共图书馆在社会中的影响,从1989年开始,决定每年( )月的最后一周为“全国公共图书馆服务宣传周”。
“A slow student usually needs a _____ at home,” said a sociologist in the neighb
“A slow student usually needs a _____ at home,” said a sociologist in the neighborhood.
All of his friends came and _____ him on his success.
All of his friends came and _____ him on his success.
We’ll have to take the machine apart to put it right.
We’ll have to take the machine apart to put it right.