选择题:请阅读短文,完成此题。In recent years, publishers, directors and TV producers have taken a

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In recent years, publishers, directors and TV producers have taken a keen interest in popularonline novels, thanks to their originality and solid fan base.

Genre is an important factor. According to a survey by Chinese online literature platformCloudary, of t00 online novels whose copyrights were sold by Cloudary for adaption in 2012,modern city novels, historical romances and war stories were the most popular.

Online author Liu Chenfeng's best-known novel A Clear Midsummer Night is a love story. Itattracted more than 30 million Web hits and won the top prize in the annual competition forChinese romance novels in 2012. A TV adaption of the book, starred by Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei,was a huge hit when broadcast in 2013. The success of the TV adaption has brought Liu greaterpopularity and more confidence in her writing. "It's as if a feast prepared by me has beenappreciated by numerous diners, which is a great encouragement." Liu says.

Literature websites, which are supreme headquarters collecting some outstanding works, haveplayed an important role in this trend. Major websites, such as Qidian.com and Hongxiu.com, whichare owned by Cloudary, have established special branches to help film and TV producers who arelooking for good stories and to deal with copyright licensing. Liu, who has entrusted the literaturewebsite Hongxiu.com to deal with her copyright licensing to TV producers, thinks it makes thingseasier for writers and allows them to focus more on their work.

However, many other writers have sought to work closely with film and TV producers and playan active role in the adaption process of their own works. The authors really know the essence oftheir works. To some extent, their working together may produce better films or TV series. Theauthors' unique understanding about the original works is valued by producers and directors.

Popular online writer Bao Jingjing worked with director Teng Huatao as the screenwrite

A.Because the literature websites are rather professional and specialized

B.Because it can ease the writers' burden and focus more on their work

C.Because she is not interested in negotiating with TV producers

D.Because TV producers speak highly of the literature websites


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