选择题:根据下面资料,回答I grew up seeing handwritten notes as the best expression of love. My r

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I grew up seeing handwritten notes as the best expression of love. My room often 16 small, square papers on the bed for me to find. Sometimes it was just a smiley 17 , other times she simply wrote the words "love you" 18 ordinary ballpoint pen, but it was more than enough.

Starting in elementary school, my mom 19 me to write notes to my grandma who lived a few hours away. Grandma 20 wrote back. The excitement I felt when I looked in the 21 and saw a letter in my grandma′s shaky letters never 22 . By studying her handwriting, I could almost 23 how she′ d been feeling that day. Those notes are now treasures.

The words, "You make me 24 ," from my dad when I got my first prize and birthday notes from friends are all lifelines I can′ t bear to 25 .

However, my greatest lifelines came from my daughter, Avery. One day I put a yellow note on her 26 not realizing there was a blank one 27 to it. When I cleaned out her lunch box that night, the number of my notes had 28 . I cried when I saw she′d written the same thing as me.

"I love you. Avery."

I reached up and stuck my daughter′ s 29 on the cabinet where the sandwich bread was stored as a source of daily 30 . Then later another in my clothes closet where I got 31 , and another on the bathroom mirror where I brushed my 32 .

"I love you. I will .love you for my whole life."

Until today my daughter still 33 posts lifelines to me. Now they are not so much for encouragement 34 they are reminders--reminders that time is flying.

Because the untraditional spelling has become 35 , letters are no longer gigantic, but rather small and dainty (优美的). But the love, the love is still there.







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