“性格”的范畴是金圣叹第一个提出来的。( )
《西游记》中孙悟空、猪八戒不过是人和猴子,人和猪的一种特殊的组接,在艺术构思中主要运用了( )方式。
《西游记》中孙悟空、猪八戒不过是人和猴子,人和猪的一种特殊的组接,在艺术构思中主要运用了( )方式。
日本最早的和歌总集是( )
日本最早的和歌总集是( )
《凤凰涅盘》中的《凤歌》主要是从( )描绘了苦难的旧中国,诅咒了那个冷酷、黑暗的旧世界。
《凤凰涅盘》中的《凤歌》主要是从( )描绘了苦难的旧中国,诅咒了那个冷酷、黑暗的旧世界。
Since the late 1970’s in the face of a severe loss of market share in dozens of
Since the late 1970’s in the face of a severe loss of market share in dozens of industries, manufact
“地秧歌”属于哪一地区?( )
“地秧歌”属于哪一地区?( )
《双人孔雀舞》的内容来源于( )。
《双人孔雀舞》的内容来源于( )。
“荷花杯舞蹈大赛”每几年一届:( )
“荷花杯舞蹈大赛”每几年一届:( )
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a _____ story of a voyage on the Mississip
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a _____ story of a voyage on the Mississippi.
Which of the following is true of an allophone?
Which of the following is true of an allophone?
The finest example of Hawthorne’s symbolism is reflected in his _____.
The finest example of Hawthorne’s symbolism is reflected in his _____.
国际图联是全世界图书馆界的非政府组织,它的英文缩写是:( )
国际图联是全世界图书馆界的非政府组织,它的英文缩写是:( )
( )首次提出了产业跟踪路线图的概念。
( )首次提出了产业跟踪路线图的概念。
The world's oldest national newspaper, _____, appeared in 1791.
The world's oldest national newspaper, _____, appeared in 1791.
Tina’s children, _____ all live nearby, organized a big party for her eightieth
Tina’s children, _____ all live nearby, organized a big party for her eightieth birthday.
The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question,however,( )to reco
The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question,however,( )to recommend legislation th
With( )and fashionable elements,Beijing attracts a large number of young people
With( )and fashionable elements,Beijing attracts a large number of young people every year.
在艺术创作中,人们创造动力是( )。
在艺术创作中,人们创造动力是( )。