选择题:Glove Co makes high quality, hand-made gloves which it sells for an average of $

  • 题目分类:ACCA/CAT
  • 题目类型:选择题
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Glove Co makes high quality, hand-made gloves which it sells for an average of $180 per pair. The standard cost of labour for each pair is $42 and the standard labour time for each pair is three hours. In the last quarter, Glove Co had budgeted production of 12,000 pairs, although actual production was 12,600 pairs in order to meet demand.

37,000 hours were used to complete the work and there was no idle time. The total labour cost for the quarter was $531,930.

At the beginning of the last quarter, the design of the gloves was changed slightly. The new design required workers to sew the company’s logo on to the back of every glove made and the estimated time to do this was 15 minutes for each pair. However, no-one told the accountant responsible for updating standard costs that the standard time per pair of gloves needed to be changed. Similarly, although all workers were given a 2% pay rise at the beginning of the last quarter, the accountant was not told about this either. Consequently, the standard was not updated to reflect these changes.

When overtime is required, workers are paid 25% more than their usual hourly rate.


(a) Calculate the total labour rate and total labour efficiency variances for the last quarter. (2 marks)

(b) Analyse the above total variances into component parts for planning and operational variances in as much detail as the information allows. (6 marks)

(c) Assess the performance of the production manager for the last quarter. (7 marks)


A B级柜员B C级柜员C D级柜员D E级柜员

A B级柜员B C级柜员C D级柜员D E级柜员


个人经营贷款的贷款受理人应要求个人经营贷款申请人填写借款申请书,以( )形式提出个人贷款申请,并按银行要求提交相关申请材料。

个人经营贷款的贷款受理人应要求个人经营贷款申请人填写借款申请书,以( )形式提出个人贷款申请,并按银行要求提交相关申请材料。A.书面B.口头C.邮件D.短信


贷款期限在( )的,合同期内遇法定利率调整时,可由借贷双方按商业原则确定,可在合同期问按月、季、年调整,也可采用固定利率的确定方式。

贷款期限在( )的,合同期内遇法定利率调整时,可由借贷双方按商业原则确定,可在合同期问按月、季、年调整,也可采用固定利率的确定方式。A.1年以内(含)B.1年以上C.3年以内(含)D.3年以上


银行对个人贷款市场进行营销的全过程是( )。

银行对个人贷款市场进行营销的全过程是( )。A.市场环境分析—市场细分—市场选择—市场定位B.市场环境分析—市场选择—市场细分—市场定位C.市场环境分析—市场定位—市场细分—市场选择D.市场定位—市场环


关于个人汽车贷款的原则,下列说法中错误的是( )。

关于个人汽车贷款的原则,下列说法中错误的是( )。A.个人汽车贷款实行“设定担保、分类管理、特定用途”的原则B.“设定担保”指借款人申请个人汽车贷款必须以所购汽车作为抵押C.“分类管理”是指按照贷款所购
