选择题:Natasha GoldenMcIntyre and BaranowskiSuite 11431 Echo Lake AvenueMaht...


Natasha Golden McIntyre and Baranowski Suite 114 31 Echo Lake Avenue Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 Dear Ms. Golden, I've enclosed an employee reimbursement form along with the receipts from my business trip to Orlando. As I was able to use the company card to book my flight and hotel reservation, those expenses are not accounted for on the list. Please advise on the time it takes to be reimbursed. It usually takes one month, however, it took three months to be reimbursed for my last business trip to New York. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Bob Yuengling McIntyre & Baranowski Employee Reimbursement Form Employee Name: Bob Yuengling Employee ID Number: 002938 Reason for Expenses Incurred: Business trip to meet with client Account of Expenses: Dinner - Luna's Restaurant $16.34 Tuesday May 20 Transportation to client's office - Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21 Dinner with client - The Kitchen Cafe $107.03 Wednesday May 21 Transportation back to hotel - Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21 Dinner - Tres Amigos Grill $23.03 Wednesday May 21 Employee Signature: Bob Yuengling What day did Mr. Yeungling take a taxi?

(a) Monday (b) Tuesday (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday





2012年9月10日,人民日报发表《中国人民共和国政府关于( )及其附属岛屿领海基线的声明》,宣布中华人民共和国( )及其附属岛屿的领海基线。A.黄岩岛

2012年9月10日,人民日报发表《中国人民共和国政府关于( )及其附属岛屿领海基线的声明》,宣布中华人民共和国( )及其附属岛屿的领海基线。A.黄岩岛


2012年,全资子公司( )在波兰开设分行.A. 工银非洲 B. 工银欧洲 C. 工银美洲 D. 工银亚洲

2012年,全资子公司( )在波兰开设分行.A. 工银非洲 B. 工银欧洲 C. 工银美洲 D. 工银亚洲


《欧洲货币》将工行评为( );A. 亚洲最佳银行 B. 中国最佳银行 C. 世界最佳银行 D. 东亚最佳银行

《欧洲货币》将工行评为( );A. 亚洲最佳银行 B. 中国最佳银行 C. 世界最佳银行 D. 东亚最佳银行


下列既属于直接金融工具又属于长期金融工具的是( )。A.企业债券 B.商业票据 C.定金 D.可转让大额存单

下列既属于直接金融工具又属于长期金融工具的是( )。A.企业债券 B.商业票据 C.定金 D.可转让大额存单
