下列茶叶,加工过程中有发酵工艺的是( )。

下列茶叶,加工过程中有发酵工艺的是( )。A.白茶B.红茶C.乌龙茶D.绿茶E.黄茶 " /> <script src="/static/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" type="text/javascript


English is more dynamic than Chinese.

English is more dynamic than Chinese.这是一个关于英汉互译的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,English is more dynamic than Chinese.A.正确B.错误正确答案:错误


含钟乳体的药材是( )

第 1 题 含钟乳体的药材是(  )A.大青叶B.穿心莲C.薄荷D.广藿香E.麻黄 " /> <script src="/static/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" type="text/javascript


科技工作者在处理人际关系时应遵循的道德准则是( )。[1分]

科技工作者在处理人际关系时应遵循的道德准则是( )。A.热爱专业,忠于职责B.勤奋求知,严谨治学C.实事求是,追求真理D.谦虚谨慎,尊重他人 " /> <script src="/static/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" type="text/javascript


It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill. In this sentence, “health” can be translated into 健康之宝贵”.

It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill. In this sentence, “health” can be translated into 健康之宝贵”.这是一个关于英汉互译的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,It is the same old story of not being
