The donkey in the fable The Donkey in Qianzhou is an artisti

The donkey in the fable The Donkey in Qianzhou is an artistic image of a huge thing with formidable appearance and great


Aesops Fables were written by Aesop, a slave and storyteller

Aesops Fables were written by Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece in the 6th century


This story “waiting for hares by a tree stump” comes from th

This story “waiting for hares by a tree stump” comes from the Five Vermin in The Works of Han Feizi(韩非子?五蠹).这是一个关于韩非子 中国


The equivalent English idiom to 雨后春笋 is “spring up like mush

The equivalent English idiom to 雨后春笋 is “spring up like mushrooms”. The British use mushrooms rather than bamboo shoots


According to the development, Chinese fairy tales can be rou

According to the development, Chinese fairy tales can be roughly divided into two periods: classical fairy tales and mod
