选择题:One of Wang Hai’s ancestors named Xi Zhong penned the wild h


One of Wang Hai’s ancestors named Xi Zhong penned the wild horses and put fodder into mangers to raise them. Later, he created halters to lead the horses for carrying goods.




The four classic folktales are all legends that eulogize gen

The four classic folktales are all legends that eulogize genuine love between men and women in ancient China.这是一个关于中国故事英


The old cow in the story was originally Taurus Star in the h

The old cow in the story was originally Taurus Star in the heaven.这是一个关于中国故事英文演绎的相关问题,下面我们来看


Yue Fei was put into prison and executed for the guilt of Mo

Yue Fei was put into prison and executed for the guilt of Moxuyou.这是一个关于中国故事英文演绎的相关问题,下面我们来看


Yue Fei’s mother was upright and open-minded, who treated Yu

Yue Fei’s mother was upright and open-minded, who treated Yue Fei in a strict way.这是一个关于中国故事英文演绎的相关问题,下面我们来看


Guan Yu was honored as “Martial Sage”, enjoying the equal st

Guan Yu was honored as “Martial Sage”, enjoying the equal status with the “Civil Sage”, Confucius?这是一个关于中国故事英文演绎的相关问题,下面
