职业资格题库:The United States counts its population

  • 题目分类:66习题
  • 题目类型:职业资格题库
  • 查看权限:VIP

The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically, so by the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended from (1) , but the majority of U. S. residents will trace (2) ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or the Middle East. Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, (3) the United States is a microcosm of the world. The United States is (4) considered a "melting pot" society by many of its residents. (5) , many people prefer the term "salad bowl." They use this (6) to describe American society. American society will soon be (7) nonwhite. "Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together (8) one homogeneous (9) , "salad bowl" (10) that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural (11) . Earlier generations of (12) believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also for (13) .
Now, many immigrant groups do not (14) the same need. Because there are many places in America (15) you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce and die without knowing English. (16) , Chinatown in San Francisco and New York. Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese immigrants and immigrants from Mexico. (17) , many immigrant groups want their children to know their (18) culture. Many Hispanics, for instance, want their children to learn (19) English and Spanish and study the Spanish language in school. They are fighting for the (20) to bilingual education in many communities. In many communities they are in the majority.


企业发生毁损的固定资产的净损失,应计入营业外支出。 ( )

企业发生毁损的固定资产的净损失,应计入营业外支出。 ( )


材料1 自二战结束以来,美国一直认为,通过自由贸易和混合资本主义来推动繁荣,能够促

材料1 自二战结束以来,美国一直认为,通过自由贸易和混合资本主义来推动繁荣,能够促进其地缘政治目标的实现。冷战结束后,市场与外交政策的结盟似乎取得了胜利,看起来好像“全球化”能够在任何地方传播美国思想


乳房常规检查内容包括 A.观察乳房的皮肤颜色 B.观察乳房是否美观 C.观察有无凹陷




在社会工作督导中,焦点集中在特殊议题上的督导类型是( )。A.师徒式督导和咨询式督导B.师徒式督导和训练式督导C.训练式督导和管理式督导D.管理式督导和咨询式督导E.合作式督导和管理式督导


页面页脚一般包含 或控制项的合计内容。

页面页脚一般包含 【10】 或控制项的合计内容。
