As he wanted to watch the tennis final of the Olympic Games,

As he wanted to watch the tennis final of the Olympic Games, he left a pile of


The tomato juice left a brown stain on the front of my jacke

The tomato juice left a brown stain on the front of my jacket.A.track B.trace C.


How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passag

How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage?A.Five. B.Seven. C


The mass media are important to us because they shape ______

The mass media are important to us because they shape ___________. A.sports news


导致该起事故发生的直接原因是(  )

导致该起事故发生的直接原因是(  ) A.某铁矿越界开采,打通积水空场,造成突发透水。 B.该矿领导不重视安全生产,无视矿工生命安全,在察觉水量增大未查明原因情
