选择题:Wall Street is the name of a street in New York an


Wall Street is the name of a street in New York and very famous in the whole world. It is the financial center of the U.S.A, exerting a significant influence upon the world’s economy. Hetty Green, who was born in 1835, was nicknamed the Wizard(奇才)of Wall Street. She became almost a legendary figure in Wall Street, because she made a lot of money buying and selling shares in companies.

Hetty Green began making money when her father died and she inherited all his money. By investing it wisely, she soon built up her fortune to over 100 million dollars. However, she hated spending money on herself or on her family. Actually, she hated spending money on everything except buying shares. She was so mean that when her son Edward broke his leg, she would not send for a doctor. She did not want to have to pay a doctor’s bill. She refused to send her son to a good hospital. Instead, she took the boy to a free charity hospital. There he did not get very good treatment and, to save his life, he had to have his leg cut off. Still his mother would not pay for proper hospital treatment. She sent for a doctor who cut off the boy’s leg in her sitting room. It’s incredible, isn’t it?


Wall Street is _______.
A A)
B B)
C C)
D D)



3、(2分) The pests that have different colors from plants usually appear at night


33、以下哪一种方法属于研究过程实施阶段的方法( )。

33、以下哪一种方法属于研究过程实施阶段的方法( )。A A. 确定课题的方法B B. 查阅文献的方法C C. 研究设计的方法D D. 形成事实的方法


违反环境保护法有关规定,在城市市区进行施工或者从事其他生产扬尘污染的 活动,未采取有效的扬尘防治措施

违反环境保护法有关规定,在城市市区进行施工或者从事其他生产扬尘污染的 活动,未采取有效的扬尘防治措施,致使大气受到污染的,限期改正,处以( ) 罚款;对逾期的未


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7、( )制定了实验方法原则,被喻为“实验科学始祖”A A. 牛顿B B. 伽利略C C. 培根D D. 莱布尼茨
