选择题:What will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the

What will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme “Better City, Better Life.” For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilization to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.


我国现代化建设“三步走”战略的第三步战略目标是()A 国民生产总值2000年比1980年翻两番,人民生活达到小康B . 人均国民生产总值到本世纪中叶达到中等发达


债务人不能清偿到期债务时,债权人可以向人民法院提出对债务人进行重整或者( )的申请

债务人不能清偿到期债务时,债权人可以向人民法院提出对债务人进行重整或者( )的申请



建设工程定额按编制程序和用途分类可以分为A 施工定额B 概算定额C 投资估算指标D 材料消耗定额
