填空题:Directions : In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go ov

  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:填空题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Directions : In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions , complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
  Another Intelligence
  Emotional intelligence as a theory was first brought to public attention by the book. Emotional Intelligence, Why It can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman, but the theory itself is, in fact,attributed to two Americans, John D Mayer and Peter Salovey. What is emotional intelligence exactly? According to Goleman, Emotional Intelligence consists of five key elements. The first is knowing one's own emotions : being able to recognize that one is in an emotional state and having the ability to identify which emotion is being experienced, even if it is not a particularly comfortable feeling to admit to, e. g., jealously or envy.
  Emotional awareness can then lead to managing one's emotions. This involves dealing with e-motions, like jealousy, resentment, anger, etc. that one may have difficulty accepting, by, per-haps, giving oneself comfort food, or doing nice things when one is feeling low. Many people do this instinctively by buying chocolate or treating themselves; others are able to wrap themselves in positive thoughts or mother themselves. There are, of course, many people who are incapable of doing this, and so need to be taught. The third area is self-motivation. Our emotions can simultaneously empower and hinder us, so it is important to develop the ability to control them. Strategies can be learnt whereby emotions are set aside to be dealt with at a later date. For example, when dealing with the success or good fortune of others, it is better not to suppress any negative emotion that arises. One just has to recognize it is there. And then one just needs to be extra careful when making decisions and not allow one's emotions to cloud the issue, by letting them dictate how one functions with that person. The separation of logic and emotion is not easy when dealing with people.
  As Social beings, we need to be able to deal with other people, which brings us to the next item on Goleman' s list, namely : recognizing emotions in other people. This means, in effect, having or developing "social radar", i.e. learning to read the weather systems around individual or groups of people. Obviously, leading on from this is the ability to handle relationships. If we can recognize, understand and then deal with other people's emotions, we can function better both socially and professionally. Not being tangible, emotions are difficult to analyze and quantify, com-pounded by the fact that each area in the list above, does not operate in isolation. Each of us has misread a friend's or a colleague's behavior to us and other people. The classic example is the shy person, categorized by some people as arrogant and distant and by others as lively and friendly and very personable.

社会意识形式的特点有(  )

社会意识形式的特点有(  )A.是一种系统化的、自觉的意识形式 B.主要是理性认识 C.是对社会存在的间接反映 D.以社会心理为基础


下列各种关系中属于生产关系的有(  )

下列各种关系中属于生产关系的有(  )A.生产资料归谁所有 B.人们在社会中的各种认识关系 C.在生产中各个集团之间的关系 D.在一切社会中经济利益根本对立的两


实践标准的不确定性或相对性的含义不包括(  )

实践标准的不确定性或相对性的含义不包括(  )A.某些理论不可能被证实或证伪 B.一切实践都具有一定的局限性 C.实践本身也是发展变化的 D.认识的真理性需要多


在我们读书时,读到大象、房子等某一个具体概念时,就会在大脑中立即出现一个感性的形象与此概念相对应,这表明(  )

在我们读书时,读到大象、房子等某一个具体概念时,就会在大脑中立即出现一个感性的形象与此概念相对应,这表明(  )A.概念是思维的细胞和推理的工具 B.感性认识是



