选择题:1.“You can please yourself about the other seven f

1.“You can please yourself about the other seven figures”means _______.
A.say “please” when you call the number
B.feel pleased to make the call yourself
C.choose the other seven figures yourself
D.be pleasant when you dial the other seven figures
2.When Mr.Flower said “You.re in London!Well,well—”,he was _______.
A.very surprised
B.very well
C.very sorry
D.out of breath
3.Mr.Flower has been driving his sheep around a bit because _______.
A.his farm was too small for ninety thousand sheep
B.his farm was only 110 miles straight across the middle
C.he was afraid someone would steal more of his sheep
D.there wasn.t enough feed or water on his farm for the sheep
4.Which detail from the passage shows that Australia is a big country?
A.One must dial a 10-figure to reach Australia.
B.Mr.Flower lived one hundred miles from Kikri.
C.Mr.Flower now had only eighty thousand sheep on the farm.
D.Mr.Flower.s farm isn.t considered a big one in Australia.
5.The best title for this passage is perhaps _______.
B.A Birthday Present
C.Robert West and Don Flower
D.A Phone Call




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教育法律根据违法主体的法律地位和违法行为的性质,规定了承担法律责任的三种主要方式,即( )。选择一项

教育法律根据违法主体的法律地位和违法行为的性质,规定了承担法律责任的三种主要方式,即( )。选择一项或多项:a. 个人法律责任b. 民事法律责任c. 刑事法律责


广义上的教育法,主要是指国家制定或认可并由国家强制力保证实施的教育行为规范体系及其实施所形成的( )

广义上的教育法,主要是指国家制定或认可并由国家强制力保证实施的教育行为规范体系及其实施所形成的( )和教育法律秩序的总和。选择一项:a. 社会关系b. 教育社会
