简答题:The protagonist in the Anglo-Saxon epic is Beowulf himself.

  • 题目分类:英语学科
  • 题目类型:简答题
  • 查看权限:VIP
The protagonist in the Anglo-Saxon epic is Beowulf himself. His name Beowulf is composed of two nouns :“bee”and”wolf”. By combing the two we have Beowulf. i.e. bee+wolf. We don't know exactly why theau-thor chose this word for the name of the hero. Perhaps it suggests certain kind of expectations for a hero figure. The word”bee”represents diligence, hard work and loyalty. The meaning of”wolf”is easy to under-stand. It symbolizes courage and aggressiveness.
Paragraph Two (8分)

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A literary work usually_______a theme, i.e. a main idea about the subject.


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混疑土强度以( )强度为设计标准。

混疑土强度以( )强度为设计标准。A.抗压 B.剪切 C.弯拉 D.疲劳
