
下列关于劳动法的说法哪一项是错误的?()这是一个关于目的 劳动法 劳动与社会保障法学的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,下列关于劳动法的说法哪一项是错误的?()A.就立法目的而言,劳动法是保护劳动者合法权益、促进劳动关系和谐稳定的法。B.就主要调整范围而言,劳动法是规范劳动关系的法。C.就基本内容而言,劳动法是主要包括就业促进、劳动合同、集体劳动关系、劳动基准、劳动监察、劳动争议处理等方面法律规范的法。D.劳动法仅调节劳动关系。正确答案:劳动法仅调节劳动关系。



下列哪一项属于我国最低层次的社会保障制度?()这是一个关于社会保险 社会福利 劳动与社会保障法学的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,下列哪一项属于我国最低层次的社会保障制度?()A.社会保险B.社会救助C.社会福利D.社会优抚正确答案:社会救助


The main scientific goal of the study of artificial intelligence is to help develop the intelligent behavior in humans, animals, and artificial agents.

The main scientific goal of the study of artificial intelligence is to help develop the intelligent behavior in humans, animals, and artificial agents.这是一个关于通用学术英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,The main scientific goal of the study of artificial intelligence is to hel


“Implicit learning” is one of the many concepts in the field of education, and usually it goes along with the term “explicit learning”. The definition is an appropriate definition.

“Implicit learning” is one of the many concepts in the field of education, and usually it goes along with the term “explicit learning”. The definition is an appropriate definition.这是一个关于通用学术英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,“Implicit learning” is one of the many concep


The Cornell Note-Taking System is a very simple yet effective note-taking system for students and business people alike.

The Cornell Note-Taking System is a very simple yet effective note-taking system for students and business people alike.这是一个关于通用学术英语的相关问题,下面我们来看答案是什么,The Cornell Note-Taking System is a very simple yet effective note-taking system for students and busines
