选择题:Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following pa

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.

A. contact B. obedience C. presumption D. intellect E. tumble F. hardy G. confer H. bounce I. cradle J. automatic K. handy L. charge M. dispense N. disposal O. attached

Laughter is a(n) 1)_______response to being touched by a tickle (搔痒) – a natural response from the child. This puts the tickler in 2)_______ of how much or how long the child laughs. We adults don.t read children.s minds, but we often have a(n) 3)_______ that we can. So we usually think we.re aware of what.s too much tickling and when to stop. But it is possible to trap our children without knowing it. We parents become 4)_______ to tickling because it seems to be a(n) 5)_______ shortcut to laughter. We wish that our children are happy and love us, and tickling becomes our shortcut to get assured.

Rather than forcing laughter in this way, we can 6)_______ upon them inner confidence if we will get down on the floor and invite them to be in playful physical 7)_______ with us. If we find ways to give them much of the power, our children will laugh and laugh. Games like "I have a hundred hugs for you!" or "Where.s Jared? I know he.s around here somewhere." or "Oh, no! I can.t get this horsy rider off my back!" let children laugh and laugh as we try to catch them, or try to find them, or try to 8)_______ them off our backs, and fail over and over.

The physical contact that requires more creativity than tickling allows us to 9)_______ around, to press our heads against their stomachs here and there for a second, and to manage an embrace before they make another daring escape. We get our affection across without trapping our children. And we give them a chance to be inventive as they use their 10)_______ to figure out a hundred ways to outsmart us.

4、以下只具备离岸市场功能的国际金融市场有( )。   A.开曼群岛国际金融市场 B.巴哈马群岛国际

4、以下只具备离岸市场功能的国际金融市场有( )。   A.开曼群岛国际金融市场 B.巴哈马群岛国际金融市场   C.香港国际金融市场   D.巴林国际金融



电气控制PLC(本)复习题2一、选择填空题(每空1分,共20分)1、欧姆龙PLC主机按I/O点数分为10点、( )点、30点、40点;按使用的电源分为DC型


以下选项中,( )不可能是调制解调器的速率。

以下选项中,( )不可能是调制解调器的速率。选择一项:A.28.8KbpsB.33.6KbpsC.128KbpsD.56Kbps
