选择题:Every piece was handed tentimes or more. And the d

Every piece was handed tentimes or more. And the drying

A. After washing the clothes for more than ten times, she has dry them for more than ten time
B. The drying was much more than the washing.
C. The drying was nuch nore difficult than the washing.
D. Besides washing, every piece of laundry had be dried.

微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是______。(本题3.5分) A、 实现算术运算和逻辑运算 B、

微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是______。(本题3.5分) A、 实现算术运算和逻辑运算 B、 存储各种控制信息 C、 保持各种控制状态 D、 控制机器各个
