选择题:Until recently, women in advertisements were one o


Until recently, women in advertisements were one of three things - an apron, a glamorous dress or a frown. Although that is now changing, many women still feel angry enough to deface offending advertisements with stickers protesting. "This ad degrades women." Why does this sort of advertising exist? How can advertisers and ad agencies produce, sometimes, after months of research, advertisements that offends the consumer?
The Advertising Standards Authority (the body which deals with complains about print media) is carrying out research into how women feel about the way they are portrayed in advertisements. Its conclusions are likely to be what the advertising industry already knows; although women are often irritated by the way they are seen in ads, few feel strongly enough to complain.
Women are not only the victims of poor and boring stereotypes—in many TV commercials men are seen either as useless, childish oafs who are unable to perform the simplest household tasks, or as in considerate boors, permanently on the lookout for an escape to the pub. But it is women who seem to bear the impact of the industry.s apparent inability to put people into an authentic present-day context.
Yet according to Emma Bennett, executive creative director of a London advertising agency, women are not infuriated by stereotypes and sexist advertising. It tends to wash over them, they are not

现代领土变更的新方式包括( )。选择一项或多项:A. 恢复领土主权 B. 添附C. 时效D. 全民投

现代领土变更的新方式包括( )。选择一项或多项:A. 恢复领土主权 B. 添附C. 时效D. 全民投票


下列哪个法院在审理案件时仅以国家为唯一的诉讼当事人()。选择一项:A. 联合国国际法院 B. 国际常

下列哪个法院在审理案件时仅以国家为唯一的诉讼当事人()。选择一项:A. 联合国国际法院 B. 国际常设法院C. 美洲人权法院D. 欧洲联盟法院


由若干地方行政区域组成的拥有统一主权的国家被称为( )。选择一项:A. 中立国B. 复合国C. 附属

由若干地方行政区域组成的拥有统一主权的国家被称为( )。选择一项:A. 中立国B. 复合国C. 附属国D. 单一国





The tragedy only a few minutes after take-off

The tragedy only a few minutes after take-off; more than one hundred people
