选择题:What can we infer from Shelly-Ann's statement unde

What can we infer from Shelly-Ann's statement underlined in Paragraph 5?( )(本题3.0分) A She was highly rewarded for her efforts.
B She was eager to do more for her country.
C She became an athletic star in her country.
D She was the envy of the whole community.


最大励磁限制是为 而采取的安全措施。( )

最大励磁限制是为 而采取的安全措施。( )A 防止发电机定子绕组长时间欠励磁B 防止发电机定子绕组长时间过励磁C 防止发电机转子绕组长时间欠励磁D 防止发电机转
