选择题:According to the ideal definition given by Raymond Henry Wil


According to the ideal definition given by Raymond Henry Williams, culture is()

A.the whole part of imaginary works

B.the whole part of intellectuality

C.human experiences

D.a state or process of human improvement


The first person who summarized the human cultural phenomeno

The first person who summarized the human cultural phenomenon in the sense of cultural anthropology is the British schol


1)    In 1960s, Raymond Henry Williams claimed, in an articl

1)    In 1960s, Raymond Henry Williams claimed, in an article named “Cultural Analysis”, that culture had three concepts


Culture is larned and transmitted across generations.

Culture is larned and transmitted across generations.这是一个关于中西文化专题的相关问题,下面我们来看


The ancient Greek trade extended to East Africa, Arabia, Cen

The ancient Greek trade extended to East Africa, Arabia, Central Asia and India, and began to have business contacts wit


The agricultural economy formed an inward-looking culture, t

The agricultural economy formed an inward-looking culture, that is ().这是一个关于中西文化专题的相关问题,下面我们来看
