选择题:A) converted B) developed C) exposed D) evolved 题目分类:习题答案 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: A) convertedB) developedC) exposedD) evolved 参考答案:
我国走新型工业化道路必须大力推进产业结构优化升级,形成新的产业格局,其主要内容有 我国走新型工业化道路必须大力推进产业结构优化升级,形成新的产业格局,其主要内容有A、以高新技术产业为先导 B、以基础产业和制造业为支撑C、大力发展劳动密集型产业D、服务业全面发展 分类:习题答案 题型:选择题 查看答案
The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies th The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.A) we should 分类:习题答案 题型:选择题 查看答案
The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to( )the small number The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to( )the over-reernitment Of female managers 分类:习题答案 题型:选择题 查看答案
The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in recession graduates from elit The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in recession graduates from elite universities tend t 分类:习题答案 题型:选择题 查看答案
Benjamin Friedman believed that economic recession may_____.impose a heavier b Benjamin Friedman believed that economic recession may_____.[A]impose a heavier burden on immigrants[ 分类:习题答案 题型:选择题 查看答案