填空题:语法填空:根据上下文或者用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,根据材料回答题 When I was a ten-year-ol

When I was a ten-year-old girl, I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class! Just imagine how __1__(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no other __2__(choose), though. First I was to draft the speech and that was just a piece of cake for me, because I was a good writer — something to pride myself in. But the hard part __3__(lie) in my oral presentation; to read from __4__ paper was not allowed; I had to give the speech __5__ my memory and in front of such a big audience ! A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs __6__(tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by, I didn’t know. My listeners were still waiting, patiently and without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found __7__ back,giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. After __8__ seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding. I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building __9__, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome it,__10__ we will be able to achieve our goals.






关于风湿热下列错误的是A.是一种累及多系统的炎症性疾病 B.初发或再发多与A组乙型溶血性链球菌感染有关 C.临床表现为发热,多数伴有关节炎、心肌炎 D.环形红斑



前列腺增生症因过多的残余尿使膀胱失去收缩,膀胱过度充胀使少量尿从尿道口不自主流出,称为A.压力性尿失禁 B.真性尿失禁 C.急迫性尿失禁 D.充溢性尿失禁 E.



下列本病首选的处理方法是A.改善微循环药物的应用 B.手术探查血管 C.立即切开筋膜 D.立即施行截肢术 E.大剂量糖皮质激素



实验室检查最可能的发现是A.血白细胞总数增高,血小板低 B.血电解质检查异常 C.红细胞比容增高 D.血CO2CP降低,尿素氮增高 E.尿蛋白阳性,有血红蛋白尿
