单选题:根据材料请回答What Is Type 1 Diabetes?When you eat, your body takes

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What Is Type 1 Diabetes?
When you eat, your body takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel. 46 .Your body uses glucose (葡萄糖) for energy, so it can do everything from breathing air to playing a video game.But glucose cannot be used by the body on its own - it needs a hor- mone called insulin to bring it into the cells of the body.
Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas, a large organ near the stom- ach.The pancreas makes insulin; insulin brings glucose into the cells; and the body gets the energy it needs.When a person has Type 1 diabetes, it is hecause the pancreas is not making insulin.So someone could be eating lots of food and getting all the glucose he needs, but without insulin, there .is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy. 47 .
You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes, maybe people of your grandparents' age.Usually, this is a different kind of diabetes called type 2 diabetes, or a- dult-onset diabetes.48 .
When a kid is diagnosed with juvenile ( Type 1 ) diabetes, he will have that type of diabetes for his whole life.It won' t ever change to Type 2 diabetes when he gets older.
Scientists now think that a person who has juvenile diabetes was born with a certain gene or genes that made the person more likely to get the illness. 49 .Many scientists be- lieve that along with having certain genes, something else outside the person's body, like a viral infection, is necessary to set the diabetes in motion by affecting the cells in the pan- creas that make insulin.
But the person must have the gene (or genes) for diabetes to start out with this means you cannot get diabetes just from catching a flu, virus, or cold.And this type of diabetes isn't caused by eating too many sugary foods, either.Diabetes can take a long time to de- velop in a person's body sometimes months or years.Another important thing to remem- ber is that diabetes is not contagious. 50 .
A.Genes are something that you inherit from your parents, and they are in your body even before you are born.
B.This sugar-fuel is called glucose.
C.It may be possible to beat insulin resistance through lifestyle changes.
D.You can't catch diabetes from people who have it, no matter how close you sit to them or if you kiss them.
E.The glucose can't get into the cells of the body without insulin.
F.When a person has this kind of diabetes, the pancreas usually can still make insu-lin, but the person's body needs more than the pancreas can make.

要约是指希望和他人订立合同的意思表示,该意思表示应当(  )。

要约是指希望和他人订立合同的意思表示,该意思表示应当(  )。A.内容具体确定 B.表达出订立合同的意思 C.包括一些可以修改的条款 D.表明经受要约人承诺,要


货运合同没有约定货物的毁损、灭失的赔偿额,且依照《合同法》有关规定仍不能确定的,按照交付或者应当交付时(  )地的市场价

货运合同没有约定货物的毁损、灭失的赔偿额,且依照《合同法》有关规定仍不能确定的,按照交付或者应当交付时(  )地的市场价格计算。A.货物起运 B.货物到达 C.


买卖合同可以分期付款,但买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款一定比例的,出卖人可以解除合同。该比例是(  )。

买卖合同可以分期付款,但买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款一定比例的,出卖人可以解除合同。该比例是(  )。A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40%






