单选题:根据下面材料,回答题。According to Peter Salovey,Yale psychologist and

According to Peter Salovey,Yale psychologist and author of the term EQ,IQ gets you hired and EQ gets you promoted.
Salovey tells of a simple test.Some four.year.old kids were invited into a room alld were given the following instruction:“You can have this marshmallow right now;or if you wait,you can have two marshmallows when I get back.”Then,the researcher left.Some kids grabbed for the treat aS soon as the researcher was out the door,while others waited for the researcher to return.By the time the kids reached high school,significant differences appeared between the two groups.The kids who held out for two marshmallows were better adjusted,more popular,more adventurous.more confident,and more dependable than kids in the quick gratification group.The latter group was also more likely to be lonely,more easily frustrated,more stubborn.more likelv to buckle under stress,and more likely to shy away from challenges.When both groups took scholastic aptitude tests,the“hold out group”walloped the“quick gratification group”by 210 points(the test scores range from a minimum of 200 points to a maximum of 800,with an average for all students of 500points).
Researchers have been discussing whether it’s possible to raise a person’s IQ.Geneticists say NO.while social scientists say Yes.But while brain power researchers continue the debate.social science re.searchers have concluded that it’s possible to improve a person’s EQ,and in particular,a person,s“people skills,”such as empathy,graciousness,and the ability t0“read”a social situation.
According to the social scientists,there is little doubt that people without sufficient EQ will have a hard time surviving in life.EQ is perhaps best observed in people described as either pessi.mists or optimists.Optimistic people have high EQ and treat obstacles as minor,while me pessimistic people have low EQ and personalizes all setbacks.In social research circles,EQ denotes one,s ability to survive,and it’。here that there may be an overlap between EQ,IQ,genetics and envi.ronment.As to that,I anl reminded of the words of Darwin,“The biggest,the smartest,alld me strongest are not the survivors.Rather,the survivors are the most adaptable.”Those of us who survive and thrive in this complex world are not only the most adaptable,but also the most optimistic and the most likely to have a high EQ.
EQ gets you promoted,not because. A.a person with high EQ is better adjusted
B.a person with high EQ is more stubborn
C.a person with high EQ is more confident
D.A person with high EQ is more popular


What“change”did John McCain once called for during the elect

What“change”did John McCain once called for during the election campaign?A.Incre


How often is the fire alarm drill?

How often is the fire alarm drill?A.Once an hour. B.Once a day. C.Once a week. D


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当安装时的环境温度低于补偿零点时,应对补偿器进行(  )。A.预热 B.热处理 C.预拉伸 D.更换


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企业将应付账款的账面余额与有关债权单位或个人的账面数额进行的核对,属于( )。 A.账证核对 B.账表核对 C.账实核对 D.账账核对
