单选:一学生上学途中被自行车撞倒,右颞部着地,当时昏迷达20分钟,醒后轻微头痛,四肢活动自如,次日感头痛加重,呕吐数次,伴嗜睡,来院就诊。首选何种 题目分类:卫生应急知识竞赛 题目类型:单选 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 一学生上学途中被自行车撞倒,右颞部着地,当时昏迷达20分钟,醒后轻微头痛,四肢活动自如,次日感头痛加重,呕吐数次,伴嗜睡,来院就诊。首选何种检查:()A.头颅CTB.头颅MRIC.脑血管造影D.脑池造影E.腰穿检查 参考答案:
为防止漏电,在电线接头处,该如何处理?()A.用医用胶布裹紧B.用黑色绝缘胶布裹紧C.用塑料胶布裹紧 为防止漏电,在电线接头处,该如何处理?()A.用医用胶布裹紧B.用黑色绝缘胶布裹紧C.用塑料胶布裹紧 分类:卫生应急知识竞赛 题型:单选 查看答案
" ... She was married to an officer in India , long ago India; and she had a...A " ... She was married to an officer in India , long ago India; and she had a...A 分类:卫生应急知识竞赛 题型:单选 查看答案
[英译汉]The traffic jams during morning and afternoon rush hours are a headache ... [英译汉]The traffic jams during morning and afternoon rush hours are a headache ... 分类:卫生应急知识竞赛 题型:单选 查看答案
[ 英译汉 ]He was very happy to hear from his old friend. [ 英译汉 ]He was very happy to hear from his old friend. 分类:卫生应急知识竞赛 题型:单选 查看答案