选择题:18. – I am worried about my son’s eyesight so much

18. – I am worried about my son’s eyesight so much. – (本题4.0分)
A、 He always takes books so close to his eyes.
B、 You think too much.
C、 There’s nothing special.
D、 Maybe you can take him to have a check.

24. (判断题) 在常用检索技术中,逻辑非的基本作用是扩大检索范围,提高查全率 ( )(本题4.0

24. (判断题) 在常用检索技术中,逻辑非的基本作用是扩大检索范围,提高查全率 ( )(本题4.0分) A、 正确 B、 错误
