单选:学校体育目标能否在学校体育中起到核心的指导作用,关键在于学校体育目标对外界的敏感性与开放性,即学校体育目标能否正确反映()的需要、体育学科本 题目分类:体育科学 题目类型:单选 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 学校体育目标能否在学校体育中起到核心的指导作用,关键在于学校体育目标对外界的敏感性与开放性,即学校体育目标能否正确反映()的需要、体育学科本身的发展、学生身心发展的特点与需要。A.社会发展B.国家的要求C.教学目标D.教学手段 参考答案:
[交际用语]- What do you think of the new mobile phone model?- _________A It goes v [交际用语]- What do you think of the new mobile phone model?- _________A It goes v 分类:体育科学 题型:单选 查看答案
[阅读理解] Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy a... [阅读理解] Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy a... 分类:体育科学 题型:单选 查看答案
[交际用语]May I use your bike for a moment? ________. [交际用语]May I use your bike for a moment? ________. 分类:体育科学 题型:单选 查看答案
[词汇与结构]The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white b... [词汇与结构]The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white b... 分类:体育科学 题型:单选 查看答案