In international air cargo transportation,( )are rates whic In international air cargo transportation,( )are rates which are applicable to 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
According to UCP600,for the examination of documents the ban According to UCP600,for the examination of documents the bank now have maximum o 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
International trade is difference from domestic trade,please International trade is difference from domestic trade,please point out which of 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
可以提起行政复议的事项包括( ) 可以提起行政复议的事项包括( )A.行政处罚 B.行政强制措施 C.行政处分 D.行政机关对民事纠纷作出的调解 E.李某违纪被撤职 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
仲裁案件当事人申请仲裁后自行达成和解协议的,可以 仲裁案件当事人申请仲裁后自行达成和解协议的,可以A.请求仲裁庭根据和解协议制作调解书 B.请求仲裁庭根据和解协议制作裁决书 C.撤回仲裁申请书 D.请求强制执行 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案