单选题:根据以下材料,回答题 Nowand again I have had horrible dreams, but not

  • 题目分类:初中英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Nowand again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose mydelight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bedand lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind ofexistence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming socalmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzlesme. I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have nointerest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said theynever went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western Europeans donot seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives.They appear to see it as anirritating little habit, like sneezing or yawning.
I havenever understood this. My dream life does not seem as important as my wakinglife,if only because there is far less of it, but to me it is important. As ifthere were at least two extra continents added to the world, and lightningexcursions running to them at any moment between midnight and breakfast. Thenagain, the dream life, though queer and confusing and unsatisfactory in manyrespects, has its own advantages. The dead are there, smiling and talking. Thepart is there, sometimes all broken and confused but occasionally as fresh as adaisy. And perhaps, as Mr.
Dunnetells us, the future is there too, winking at us. This dream life is oftenovershadowed by huge mysterious anxieties, with luggage that cannot be packedand trains that refuse to be caught; and both persons and scenes there are notas dependable and solid as they are in waking life, so that Brown and Smithmerge into one person while Robinson splits into two, and there are thick woodsoutside the bathroom door and the dining room is somehow part of a theaterbalcony; and there are moments of loneliness or terror in the dream world thatare worse than anything we have known under the sun. Yet this other life hasits interests, its happiness, its satisfactions, and at certain rare intervals,a serene glow or a sudden joy, like glimpses of another form of existencealtogether,that we cannot match with open eyes. Silly or wise, terrible orexcellent, it is a further helping of experience, a bonus after dark, anotherslice of life cut differently, for which, it seems to me, we are neversufficiently grateful. Only a dream! Why only? It was there and you hadit."If there were dreams to sell," Beddoes inquires, "What wouldyou pay?" I cannot say off hand, but certainly the price would be rathermore than I could afford.
When the author was young, he thought that_______. A. bydreaming people could live a better life indeed
A.by dreaming people could live a better life indeed
B. hewas puzzled by the mysterious quality of dreams
B. he was puzzled by the mysterious quality of dreams
C. itwas astonishing that adults loved holidays so much
C. it was astonishing that adults loved holidays so much
D. itwas a pity that adults could not enjoy dreams
D. it was a pity that adults could not enjoy dreams

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