Questions for referenceCan you tell me about yourself? 我自己
Can you tell me about your hometown? 家乡
Can you tell me about your friends? 朋友
Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown? 家乡的建设
Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English? 学英语
Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work? 业余兴趣
Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future? 未来
Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies? 选这个专业
Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies? 运用英语的程度
Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies? 最感兴趣的部分
Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies? 最不感兴趣的
Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China? 英语对商务
Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China? 国际贸易影响
Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China? 科技对商务
Could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in China? 广告对人们
Could you tell me how working life is changing in China? 工作方式
Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry is to China? 旅游业
Can you tell me about your reasons for choosing your profession or studies? 选专业
Can you tell me what you hope to achieve professionally in the next five years? 未来五年的计划
Can you tell me how important a foreign language is to you in your work or studies? 外语对你学习的重要性
Can you tell me how you relax from your work or studies? 放松方式
Can you tell me what you would like to change about your work or studies? 学习中想改变的地方
Can you tell me whether you would like to work or study in a foreign country? 想在外国学习
Can you tell me which foreign language you think will be most important in the future for business in China? 未来对商务最重要的语言
Can you tell me what you think is the biggest change in working life in China? 工作方式最大的改变---work from home/internet
Can you tell me how important you think it is for people who work in business in China to be familiar with information technology? 对信息技术
Can you tell me which professions are most useful for China? 对中国最有用的职业----business 方向
Can you tell me how people’s attitudes to work are changing in China? 工作态度
Can you tell me which you think are the most important new commercial activities in China? 最重要的新商务活动