在消息标题中,可以独立存在的标题是( )。

在消息标题中,可以独立存在的标题是( )。


1942 年 4 月 1 日,《解放日报》在发表的改版社论《致读者》中提出党报工作的原则是( )。

1942 年 4 月 1 日,《解放日报》在发表的改版社论《致读者》中提出党报工作的原则是( )。


In its modern form the concept of “literature” did not emerge earlier than the e

In its modern form the concept of “literature” did not emerge earlier than the eighteenth century an


A dog cares deeply, which way your body is leaning. Forward or backward? Forward

A dog cares deeply, which way your body is leaning. Forward or backward? Forward can be seen as aggr


Every man is a philosopher. Every man has his own philosophy of life and his spe

Every man is a philosopher. Every man has his own philosophy of life and his special view of the uni
