单选题:Television broadcasts are71to an area that is within the72of

Television broadcasts are71to an area that is within the72of the sending station or its relay (中转站)di).73television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can74a wider region, they still cannot cover more land than one from the hilltop75a clear day.
However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere, 76there is a relay station on a satel- lite that77around the earth, it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which the satellite is78Three satellites79turning around over the equator (赤道) send any tele- vision program to any part of the earth. 80makes it possible for world81of newspaper to give the news in all countries at the same time. 82it may be possible for a subscriber (订户) to a televised newspaper to 83a button and see a newspaper page 84his television screen. He could also decide when he wants the page85,86, by dialing different num-ber such as87on a telephone dial, he could choose the language or the edition of the paper he wants to read.
It seems strange to think that, even today, methods of the 88are not entirely useless.
For example, sometimes89agencies which use radio and Telstar also use pigeons to90messages between offices in large cities because the pigeons are not bothered by traffic problems. A.prohibited


混凝土入仓铺料多用(  )。

混凝土入仓铺料多用(  )。A.斜浇法 B.平浇法 C.薄层浇筑 D.阶梯浇筑


机电工程注册建造师执业的冶炼工程包括(  )等工程。

机电工程注册建造师执业的冶炼工程包括(  )等工程。 A.烧结球团工程 B.焦化工程 C.制氧工程 D.矿山工程 E.建材工程


土料填筑压实参数主要包括(  )。

土料填筑压实参数主要包括(  )。A.碾压机具的重量 B.含水量 C.碾压遍数 D.铺土厚度 E.土的物理力学指标


下列关于土石坝施工中铺料与整平的说法正确的是(  )。

下列关于土石坝施工中铺料与整平的说法正确的是(  )。A.铺料宜平行坝轴线进行,铺土厚度要匀 B.进入防渗体内铺料,自卸汽车卸料宜用进占法倒退铺土 C.黏性土料


主控项目检验内容中要用数据说明的包括(  )。

主控项目检验内容中要用数据说明的包括(  )。A.结构的强度 B.结构的刚度 C.表面清洁度 D.结构的稳定性 E.管道的压力试验
