Every student in this class likes the film __________ (base) Every student in this class likes the film __________ (base) on the novel by D. 分类:英语(二) 题型:简答题 查看答案
The best stories attract their audience because they _______ The best stories attract their audience because they __________.A.present a beli 分类:英语(二) 题型:简答题 查看答案
The last paragraph probably indicates that the woman _______ The last paragraph probably indicates that the woman __________.A.was outraged a 分类:英语(二) 题型:简答题 查看答案
2007年,在各项银行卡业务中,业务金额增长幅度低于业务笔数增长幅度的是( ) 2007年,在各项银行卡业务中,业务金额增长幅度低于业务笔数增长幅度的是( )A.存现 B.取现 ⊙考试大o在线考试中心⊙ C.转账 D.消费 分类:英语(二) 题型:简答题 查看答案